ATRA believes that a single form of academic program accreditation is essential in ensuring consistent content and rigor among undergraduate recreational therapy programs. One of ATRA’s Guiding Principles is our belief in “evidenced based practice, professional credentialing, and accreditation” (ATRA, 2015). Additionally, one of the key findings from the ATRA Higher Education Task Force was to strengthen and standardize undergraduate recreational therapy curricula.
Current Status:
In support of our guiding principles, findings from the Higher Education Task Force, and in support of consistent RT educational experiences, ATRA sponsors the Committee on Accreditation of Recreational Therapy Education (CARTE). ATRA believes accreditation through CARTE is the best method for ensuring consistent content and rigor within undergraduate RT educational programs due to its sole focus on curriculum competencies related to recreational therapy.
Adopted by ATRA Board of Directors | August 2019
American Therapeutic Recreation Association
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