The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is requesting information from RTs and RT organizations to assist in implementing the statutory requirements of the Veterans Comprehensive Prevention, Access to Care, and Treatment (COMPACT) Act of 2020. The COMPACT Act mandates VA to establish an interagency task force to be known as the Task Force on Outdoor Recreation for Veterans (Task Force). The Task Force will carry out its duties in consultation with appropriate veterans outdoor recreation groups, and through this request for information,
VA seeks comments on various topics from these groups to help inform the work and ultimately the recommendations of the Task Force. This effort aligns with the Administration's America the Beautiful initiative, which seeks to improve opportunities for outdoor recreation and address inequitable access to nature and its benefits. Feedback from the public will also help inform the work ahead.
One of the requirements is to obtain consultation from Veteran outdoor recreation groups. To meet this requirement, VA published a Request for Information (comment section) in the Federal Register today. Click the link to comment:
Federal Register :: Notice of Request for Information Regarding Veterans Outdoor Recreation
Use the prompt questions under the Request for Information heading to write your comments.
The comment period will be open until March 25, 2022.
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