On your Congressperson’s website, click on contact and cut and paste the following. Please feel free to mention where you work and personalize the statement below. Don’t forget to fill in parentheses. Also, don’t forget to put CTRS after your name and provide your contact information.
Dear Representative/Senator (Insert name depending on who you are contacting);
I will be traveling from (state) to the D.C. area in (insert month) to attend the American Therapeutic Recreation Association’s Professional Issues Forum. As a constituent from your state and a recreational therapy professional, I would like to discuss with you issues related to health care, consumer access to recreational therapy services, and education of individuals with disabilities. I would like to schedule an appointment to meet with you or your aide (responsible for health care) on (insert date) between the hours of 11:00am and 5:00 p.m.
Thank you for your time. I look forward to meeting with you in March.
(Your Name)
The Federal Public Policy committee may have action alerts in which they would like for you to contact your representative or senator regarding a specific issue. These will be sent out to members or posted on the website. Templates will be given with the action alert on what to do and how to communicate the message.
American Therapeutic Recreation Association
4315 50th Street NW
Suite 100 # 7369
All Rights Reserved | American Therapeutic Recreation Association